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CRAHTAC Meeting - Tuesday, September 6th, 3pm via Zoom

Santa Ynez Valley Riders Information

The next CRAHTAC Meeting is EARLY this month!!! It's this Tuesday, September 6th at 3pm via Zoom.

Here is the link to the Zoom Webinar:

Passcode: 316382

Please attend if you can and/or send a letter asking the CRAHTAC Members to support prohibiting bikes and E-Bikes from the Live Oak Trail. A Sample Letter is below for your use.

You may also send an email to Eva Camarena at and ask to speak at Public Comment, Item IV. The Meeting Agenda and Meeting Minutes from the August 8, 2022 CRAHTAC Meeting are available below:

Hope you can attend!

Sample Letter (copy and paste into a new email and send to Eva Camarena at :


Santa Barbara CRAHTAC

RE: Live Oak Equestrian Trail Users (VIA EMAIL)

Dear CRAHTAC Members,

My name is ______(Your Name Here)_____________________ and I am an equestrian who enjoys riding in the Santa Ynez Valley. I’m monitoring the expansion of trail users at the Live Oak Equestrian Trail at Live Oak at Cachuma Lake and have the following comments:

Hikers were introduced to the Live Oak Equestrian Trail in April 2021. Hikers and other pedestrians have turned out to be a welcome addition to the trail; however, bikers and e-bikes are not compatible with the pedestrians and hikers, equestrian riders nor the grazing permittee stock that roan the north shore of Cachuma Lake.

Live Oak is practically the only place in the Santa Barbara County Park System that has adequate parking and staging area for equestrians. Live Oak is a unique resource to equestrians as it provides a truly safe, natural environment that minimizes conflict with other users and allows equestrians’ the ability to prepare for and ride safely. I want current equestrian uses to continue as they are without the speed and potential conflicts associated with mountain and e-bikes.

Thank you for supporting equestrian trial riding at the Live Oak Equestrian Trail and keeping this trail open for safe equestrian trail riding.


Best Regards,



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