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February 2023 Update - Live Oak Trail Work Day, Multi-Use Trail Policy Discussion, Etc....

Santa Ynez Valley Riders Information

Updated: Feb 16, 2023

Good News!

Live Oak Trailhead Work Day:

You asked for it and we have started the ball rolling!!! The first work day at the Live Oak Trailhead to repair flood damage is Friday, February 17th, 9 am-12 pm! A picnic lunch will be provided.

Please RSVP by replying to, and if you can’t make it this time, please send times/dates that would work for you in the future.

Please bring shovels, rakes and especially gloves and join us and come help out where you can! If you don't have tools, no worries! Some will be available at the trailhead for your use.

Getting the parking lot back in shape is the first step for the trailhead and trail to be accessible again to our riders. Brush and debris need to be pulled away from the kiosk and soil needs to be removed from around the young trees so that heavy equipment work can proceed without damaging them.

We expect this will be the first of several work days as the heavy equipment work proceeds and we learn more about trail damage as soon as the river crossing is safe.

CRAHTAC Meeting Multi-Use Trails Discussion Summary:

Thank you all who responded to the request and sent your letters to CRAHTAC opposing a Multi-Use Trail Policy for the Recreation Master Plan that is currently under development.

CRAHTAC heard our comments and discussed alternatives to a multi-use trail policy at yesterday’s meeting. We were able to show (thanks to dedicated digging and research by our supporter Susan Duca) that there is no blanket multi-use trail policy in the County. Susan had enlisted the help of her District representative, Supervisor Michael Clooney, who asked County P&D staff for the policy. P&D replied that there is no County-wide multi-use policy for trails. Thank you Susan for your research and follow-up on this item. It is a critical piece of the argument for alternatives to traditional multi-use trails.

This is a big thing because we were able to present through our letters that in the past all the mechanisms (policies and directives) that equestrians had worked to include in County documents and in guidance for the County’s Park Commission’s Handbook requiring safe and equitable trail planning for all users, in particular expansion of equestrian trails and facilities, that have not been considered nor implemented by County staff.

Discussion was lively but respectful and we agreed to look to the future and consider allowing a policy of single and compatible dual-use trails as the trail policy for the Recreation Master Plan. Equestrian representatives on CRAHTAC enthusiastically supported the proposal.

Upcoming Meetings

Please note that CRAHTAC is moving to in-person meetings starting next month. The next meeting is on March 13th in the Planning Commission Hearing Room 123 East Anacapa, Santa Barbara, CA at 3:00 PM.

Also note that the Santa Barbara County Parks Commission Meeting has been cancelled for this month. Next Meeting is April 20th at 9:30 AM at the Cachuma Lake Clubhouse.

And Some Bad News...

County Appeals Live Oak Trail Decision

Late last month we learned that the County has decided to appeal the Live Oak Trail decision. We have little detail at this time but will provide more info as it becomes available. This was a surprise, especially because the County had indicated that they would not appeal. Knowledgeable sources confirm however, that Judge Anderle’s decision is sound and defensible.

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