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CRAHTAC Meeting is Monday, November 14, 3:00 - 4:30 PM.

Santa Ynez Valley Riders Information

Meeting Date: Monday, November 14, 2022 Time: 3:00 p.m. – 4:30 p.m. Location: Zoom only, no in person meeting Zoom Webinar: Passcode: 611623

Please listen in and edit and send in the attached letter to .

This month the issue we will bring before CRAHTAC will be Parks funding. At the last Parks Commission hearing, a proposal to increase Park Fees was discussed. Fee increases will be discussed at the December 6th Board for Supervisors Hearing if you're interested in speaking on that item. See the report HERE. There is consistently an approximate $300K shortfall in Parks revenue each year that is made up with funding from the General Fund. This means our Parks are do not generate enough revenue to be self-sufficient. The Parks Commission seemed open to opportunities to increase revenue at Live Oak Camp/Trail, however, there has never been any advertising to bring additional equestrians to Live Oak Trail, on the website or in any of the Cachuma Facilities. Also, horse camping could generate $$$ when Live Oak Camp is not hosting events.

The improvements such as new kitchen equipment and facility (electrical) upgrades have been funded through donations from the Lucidity Festival. After four months of working with the County's trail contractor, equestrian donations were turned down to fund the replacement kiosk at the Live Oak Trail head and donations were accepted from a yet undisclosed source in the Spring of 2020. Follow up is on-going on this issue. A "Friends of the Live Oak Camp/Trail" organization will be suggested so that improvements can be tackled over time and all interested parties on the north shore of Cachuma will be equally represented.

Additionally the Parks Division is down several positions. The Park Commission Chair noted howe understaffed the Parks are. This begs the question If the Parks are not staffing the recreational facilities they have now, why would they expand the use of recreational faculties (such as opening Live Oak Trail to new users) before they have the necessary funding to staff necessary Ranger positions????

Please try to send it the attached letter (edit as you like or prepare your own!) and/or a request to speak at Public Comment to

and please listen in via the Zoom Link above.

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